Xue (Phyllis) Wang Dept:Marketing Academic Title:Assistant Professor Email:phyllisxuewang@outlook.com

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2020, Ph.D. in Marketing, University of Hong Kong

Supervisors: Prof. Sara Kim (primary) & Prof. Echo Wen Wan 

2017, B.Sc. in Psychology, Nanjing University

Work Experience   

2021, Research Assistant Professor of Marketing, Faculty of Business, Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Research Interests

Prosocial behavior, human-technology interaction, educational product, happiness


Selected Academic Articles

1. Wang, Phyllis Xue, Yijie Wang, and Yuwei Jiang, “Gift or Donation? Increase the Effectiveness of Charitable Solicitation through Framing Charitable Giving as Gift,” Journal of Marketing (forthcoming)

2. Lee, Jacob C., Sara Kim, and Phyllis Xue Wang (2022), “Anthropomorphizing Makes Material Goods as Happiness-Inducing as Experiences,” Marketing Letters, 33(1), 61-73.

3. Wang, Xue, Liuna Geng, Kexin Zhou, Lijuan Ye, Yinglin Ma, and Shuhao Zhang (2016), “Mindful Learning Can Promote Connectedness to Nature: Implicit and Explicit Evidence,” Consciousness and Cognition, 44, 1-7.

4. Wang, Xue, Liuna Geng, Jiawen Qin, and Sixie Yao (2016), “The Potential Relationship between Spicy Taste and Risk Seeking,” Judgment and Decision Making, 11(6), 547-553.

5. Geng, Liuna, Xue Wang, Peng Xiang, and Jin Yang (2015), “The Physiological Indicator of Chronic Stress: Hair Cortisol,” Advances in Psychological Science, 23(10), 1799-1807. (in Chinese)


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