Retired Faculty

Retired Facuty(2014-Present)

Department of Finance

Maozhu Sun        Professor

Yan Li                   Professor

Dongping Qi       Professor

Ruijun Zhang      Professor

Yuzhou Zhang     Assistant Professor

Dongming Liu     Associate Professor

Department of Management Science and Engineering

Ping Zhao           Professor

Jun Chen             Lecture

Huimin Lai           Lecture

Ping Li                 Professor

Jun Yang              Associate Professor

Guoshan Liu        Professor

Jiye Mao              Professor

Department of Accounting

Fusheng Yu          Professor

Gang Lin               Professor

Hong Xu               Professor

Guangwei Wen     Associate Professor

Yan Wang             Associate Professor

Xin Jing                 Professor

Yue Yao                 Associate Professor

Jianxin Geng          Professor

Yanzhang Jiang     Associate Professor

Hongshan Zhong  Associate Professor

Yun Song               Lecture

Ping Wang            Associate Professor

Yuxi Qin                Associate Professor

Xibo Zhao             Professor

Department of Trade Economics

Longlong Ma         Professor

Baocheng Ji           Professor

Yongjun Chen        Professor

Wenru Tan             Lecture

Yaxing Wang         Professor

Mao Wang             Lecture

Department of General Management

Erming Xu              Professor

Hongyun Wang     Associate Professor

Yuanfang Song      Professor

Jingsheng Lv          Professor

Shubin Jiao            Professor

Department of Marketing

Lin Jiang                 Professor

Ying Chen              Associate Professor

Guanzhi Wu           Associate Professor

Guan Chen             Professor

Lin Song                 Associate Professor

Jiangming Huang   Associate Professor

Department of Organization and Human Resources

Zheng Bao             Professor

Du  Yang                Professor

Zhihua Qin             Professor

Liping Wang          Professor

Yuyu Liu                 Associate Professor


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