MBA program placed the 38th globally according to the FT rankings.
EE program ranked the 11th globally by the FT.
2019 Reaccredited by EQUIS for an another five-year term.
2018 MBA and Executive Education programs placed the 39th and the 13th worldwide respectively by the Financial Times.
Master of Professional Accounting and MBA programs were rated as A+ and A respectively by the Ministry of Education in the national assessment of professional master programs.
The school was reaccredited by AACSB for a five-year term .
2017 Business administration (under RMBS) recognized as a first-class discipline in China by the Ministry of Education, and rated as top-tier (A+) nationally .
MBA program accredited by Chinese Advanced Management Education Accreditation (CAMEA).
2014 Reaccredited by EQUIS for five years.
EMBA programs ranked the 43rd globally by the Financial Times.
2013 Accredited by AACSB.
2012 Business Administration ranked No.1 nationally in the disciplinary assessment by the Ministry of Education.
2010 Accredited by EQUIS.
2009 First to offer a variant of the IMPM program in China (known as CMPM) jointly with McGill University, INSEAD, Lancaster University, and the East and West Center of Singapore.
2004 Became one of the first few business schools in the country to offer an MPAcc program.
2002 Authorized to offer a doctoral program in Logistics Economics, Marketing Management, and Financial Management.
Became one of the first few business schools authorized to offer China’s own EMBA program.
2001 Restructured as the School of Business, Renmin University of China (RBS).
2000 Authorized to offer a doctoral program in Technological Economics and Management.
1998 The first school to deliver a Sino-foreign joint EMBA program (with the State University of New York, Buffalo).
1991 Became one of the first nine business schools in the country to offer China’s own MBA program.
1988 The first school in China with General Management designated as a National Key Subject.
1986 Became one of the first business schools authorized to offer doctoral programs in General Management and Accounting.
1984 Became one of the first business schools authorized to offer a doctoral program in Industrial Economics.
1950 Dept. of Factory Management, Dept. of Trade, and the Financial and Bookkeeping Program were established - the first unit of Soviet-type management education in the PRC.