Zhuyi (Angelina)
Dept:Organization and Human Resources Academic Title:Lecturer Tel:010-62516729 Email:lizhuyi@rmbs.ruc.edu.cn

Relevant Links


2017-2021 National University of Singapore PhD

2009-2013 University of Illinois Urbana Champaign B.S.

Work Experience

2016 China International Corporate Company IBD Analyst

Research Interests

Organizational Behavior, Entrepreneurship, Creativity and Innovation, Digitalization, Enterprise Transformation, Integration of Big Data and Organizational Behavior


Organizational Behavior


(Selected Journal Paper)

1. Yu, W.*, Li, Z. A.*, Foo, M., & Sun, S. (2022). Perceived social undermining keeps entrepreneurs up at night and disengaged the next day: The mediating role of sleep quality and the buffering role of Trait resilience. Journal of Business Venturing, 37(2).

(*Denotes equal authorship)

2. Chu, X., Ding, H., Zhang, L., & Li, Z. A. (2022). Strengths-based leadership and turnover intention: The roles of felt obligation for constructive change and job control. Frontiers in Psychology, 13.

3. Li, T., Li, Z.A, Zhao, W., Li, X., Zhu, X., Pan, S., . . . Li, J. (2020). Analysis of medical rescue strategies based on a rough set and genetic algorithm: A disaster classification perspective. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 42.

(Selected Conference Paper and Presentation)

1. 41st Babson Conference: Entrepreneurial Emotional Recovery Following COVID-19. Online.                  

2. 41st Babson Conference: Emotions Can Buy Your Money: Disentangling the Impact of Peak Emotions in the Totality of Crowdfunding Videos. Online.                                                                        

3. 40th Babson Conference: Entrepreneurship and Family Life: An Integrative Model. Tennessee, USA.

4. 2020 IACMR (postponed): Is Personal Smartphone Use at Work Good or Bad? Evidence from Two Studies. Xi’an, China.                                                                                      

5. 2019 Asia MOT Alliance Research Symposium (Managing Technological Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Asian Economies): The Effect of Adopting Smart Office in Employees’ Creativity. Singapore.

6. 79th AoM Conference: Destructive Interpersonal Relationships? The Impact of Perceived Social Undermining and Sleep Quality in Entrepreneurs' Work Engagement. Boston, USA.                                            

7. 39th Babson Conference: What Else Can We Benefit from the Big Data Era? An Application of Rough Set Theory in Entrepreneur’s Subjective Well-Being Study. Boston, USA.                                            

8. AoM Idea Workshop: What Else Can We Benefit from the Big Data Era? An Application of Rough Set Theory in Entrepreneur’s Subjective Well-Being Study. Singapore.                                              

9. 2019 ACERE Conference: Destructive Interpersonal Relationships? The Impact of Perceived Social Undermining and Sleep Quality in Entrepreneurs' Work Engagement. Sydney, Australia.

10. 79th AoM ENT Doctoral Consortium                                                            

39th Babson ENT Doctoral Consortium

Services & Awards

Honors and Awards

2021 Babson Conference Best Paper Award (ENT)

Other Appointments (In last five years)

Ad-Hoc Reviewer:

Journal of Business Venturing

Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice


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