Tingting Lang Dept:Organization and Human Resources Academic Title:Assistant Professor Tel:8610-82500534 Email:langtingting@rmbs.ruc.edu.cn

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2015-2020  Singapore Management University, PhD in Business (OBHR)

2012-2015  Telecom Ecole de Management, Master of Science

2008-2012  Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Bachelor of Economics

Research Interests

Human Resources Management, Social Network, Turnover, Employee Mobility, Diversity


Human Resources Management (Undergraduate, English); Organizational Behavior Research Introduction (PhD, English); Business Research Introduction (PhD, English)


Selected Academic Articles:

(*Denotes equal authorship; †Denotes corresponding author)

Kudesia, R. S., & Lang, T. (2022). How do mindfulness and routines relate? Metacognitive practice as resolution to the debate. In R. J. Galavan and K. J. Sund (Eds.), New horizons in managerial and organizational cognition (vol. 5): Thinking about cognition (pp. 9–29). Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing. doi: 10.1108/S2397-521020210000005002

Kudesia, R.S.*, Lang, T.*, & Reb, J. (2020). How institutions enhance mindfulness: Interactions between external regulators and front-line operators around safety rules. Safety Science, 122: 104511. doi:10.1016/j.ssci.2019.104511

Selected Presentations at Academic Meetings:

1. 2020.10. Entrainment and the temporal structuring of attention: Insights from a high reliability explosive demolitions firm. Boston College, Boston.

2. 2019.08. Mindfulness in the regulatory shadow: How institutional rules enhance organizational safety. The 79th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston, MA.
3. 2019.07. Understanding the gender gap in entrepreneurial financing: Impact of gender-role incongruity and cultural tightness. Sun Yat-sen University, China.
4. 2019.04. Curtailing discrimination against poorer entrepreneurs: Evidence from three interventions. Chinese  Academy of Sciences, China.
5. 2018.07. Curtailing discrimination against poorer entrepreneurs: Evidence from two interventions. IACMR, Wuhan, China.
6. 2018.04. Entraining organizational attention: How bundles of practices constitute high reliability. Singapore Management University, Singapore.
7. 2018.02. How high reliability organizations structure attention: Insights from controlled demolition teams. INSEAD, Singapore.
8. 2017.10. Reducing discrimination against entrepreneurs at the bottom of the pyramid in the ASEAN region. Singapore Management University, Singapore.


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