Junyan Liu Dept:Finance Academic Title:Associate Professor Fax:8610-82509169 Email:liujunyan@rmbs.ruc.edu.cn

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1998.09 –2001.01  Ph.D., Management, Renmin University of China

1989.09 –1993.01  Master, Management, Renmin University of China

1985.09 –1989.07  Bachelor, Economics, Renmin University of China

Working Experiences

1993.01–Present  Teacher, Department of Finance, Renmin Business School, Renmin University of China

Research Interests

Corporate Finance, Capital Market, Securities Investment, Accounting for Governments and Non-Profit Organizations


Corporate Finance, Financial Management, Security Investment



Academic Articles

Xiangguo Li, Junyan Liu, Wangui Yang, April 2010, Changing Economic Development Mode Reform the Income Distribution System,Journal of High Teaching Adult, pp.21-23, the Second Author, non- Core Journal.

Xiangguo Li, Wangui Yang, Junyan Liu,  January 2010, Views on the Issues of the High Education, Journal of High Teaching Adult, pp.44-48, the Third Author, non- Core Journal.

Junyan Liu, 2008, The Forming Mechanism and Warning Analysis of U.S. Subprime Mortgage Crisis, Adult Higher Education Journal, No.6, P9.


1. Liu Junyan, Zhang Zhiqiang, Securities Investment, China Renmin University Press, 2022

2. Wang Huacheng, Liu, Junyan, Jing Xin, Financial Management (9th ed.), China Renmin University Press, 2021

3. Jing Xin, Wang Huacheng, Liu Junyan, Study guide to Financial Management, China Renmin University Press, 2012

4. Liu Junyan, Fundraising Management, China Renmin University Press, 2003

5. Liu Junyan, Theory of Financial Management Mechanism, China Financial and Economic Publishing House, 2002

6. Corporate Finance, China Renmin University Press

7. Accounting for Government and Public Institutions, China Renmin University Press

8. Liu Junyan, Fundamentals of Accounting, Beijing Institute of Technology Press, 1999


1. Liu Junyan, Zhang Zhiqiang, Securities Investment, China Renmin University Press, 2022

2. Wang Huacheng, Liu, Junyan, Jing Xin, Financial Management (9th ed.), China Renmin University Press, 2021

3. Jing Xin, Wang Huacheng, Liu Junyan, Study guide to Financial Management, China Renmin University Press, 2012

4. Liu Junyan, Fundraising Management, China Renmin University Press, 2003

5. Liu Junyan, Theory of Financial Management Mechanism, China Financial and Economic Publishing House, 2002

6. Liu Junyan, Fundamentals of Accounting, Beijing Institute of Technology Press, 1999

Services & Awards

Key community services

Independent Director of five listed companies, namely Huatai, Lanpec, Shanxi Coking, PHILISENSE and SPEARHEAD.


Other Appointments (In last 5 years)

Independent Director of six listed companies, namely Huatai, Lanpec, Shanxi Coking, PHILISENSE , YABAO PHAMARCEUTICAL GROUP,Venustech Group Inc


RMBS made the Top-50 list of MBA,
EMBA and EE programs——The Financial Times

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