2005.09-2009.01 PhD in Economics (Labor Economics & Human Resource Management) at the Renmin University of China
2007.09-2008.09 Joint PhD Education Program at the School of Management & Labor Relations (SMLR), Rutgers University (The State University of New Jersey), US.
2003.9-2005.7 Master in Economics (Labor Economics & Human Resource Management) at the Renmin University of China
1999.9-2003.7 Bachelor in Management (Human Resource Management) at the Renmin University of China
Working Experiences
2009.04.- present: Assistant Professor at the School of Business in Renmin University of China, P.R.China
Strategic HRM, Performance and Reward Management, Leadership, Industrial Relations, HR Practices in Chinese Context
Human Resource Management, Organizational Behaviors, Performance & Rewards Mgt., Management Communication
LIU Xiaoyu, SUN Jianmin , Yu Zhou, 2011,The Contingency Influence Mechanism of Transformational/Transactional Leadership on Workgroup Innovation Performance:The Moderating Role of Workgroup Emotional Climate, Chinese Journal of Management, Vol.6
Yu Zhou , LIU Xiaoyu, 2011,When Western HRM Constructs Meet Chinese Contexts: Validating the Pluralistic Structures of Human Resource Management Systems in China. Presented at 2011 Academy of Management Annual Meeting (San Antonio, US.)
Yu Zhou., Zhang, Y., Liu, J.,2012,A Hybridism Model of Differentiated Human Resource Management Effectiveness in Chinese Context,Human Resource Management Review (SSCI). Accepted.
Yu Zhou, ZHANG Yingying , Angeles Montoro-S., Utilitarian or Romantic: How Do the Human Resource Reward Approaches Affect Employee’s Innovative Behaviors?, International Journal of Manpower (SSCI), Vol. 32, No.1, pp.81 - 98.
Zhang, Y., Dolan, S., Zhou, Y,2009,Management by values: A theoretical proposal for strategic human resource management in China, Chinese Management Studies (SSCI), Vol. 3 (4): 272-294.
Yu Zhou, Yingying ZHANG, Angeles Montoro-SÁNCHEZ, 2009, How do the reward approaches affect employee's innovative behaviors?--An empirical study in Chinese enterprises,"Best Paper" of Academy of Management 2009 Annual Conference (AOM). Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings, ISSN 1543-8643.
Yingying ZHANG, Maria Eugenia SANCHEZ, Yu Zhou, 2009, "International management approaches: Learning and human resources of multinationals in China", Proceedings of the 51st Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business (AIB, 2009).
Yu Zhou, ZENG Xiangquan, 2008,HRM Differentiation: Theoretical Perspective and Its Implications in Chinese Context, Journal of Economics and Management Research (in Chinese), Vol. 10, pp. 54-59.
ZENG Xiangquan, Yu Zhou, 2008, An Empirical Study on the Relationship b
ZENG Xiangquan, Yu Zhou, 2009,Human Resource Management and Innovation: Theories, Practices and Mechanism, Renmin University Press (in Chinese). Beijing, ISBN 978-7-300-10596-3.
Yu Zhou, BAI Jie, LI Xiaodong,2010,The legend of P&G,China Machine Press, Beijing, ISBN 711129393.
Yu Zhou, Baijie, HU Shuzhen, 2010,Hewlett-Packard: High-tech Leverages People’s Dream , China Machine Press, Beijing, ISBN 9787111297246.
Yu Zhou, DU Hemin, CUI Haipeng, 2010,Sam Sung Equation: Eastern Authority + Western Paradigm,China Machine Press, Beijing, ISBN 9787111294764.
Bai Jie, Yu Zhou, LIU Shucen, 2010, The Legend of Toyota, China Machine Press, Beijing, ISBN 9787111295846.
Key community services
Membership of Academy of Management(AOM), European Academy of Management (EURAM), International Association for Chinese Management Research(IACMR), Association of International Business (AIB) and Senior member of Chinese Association of Human Resource Development.
Honors and Awards
2010 “Best PhD Dissertation Award” of Beijing, “Best PhD Dissertation Award” of Renmin University
2009 “Best Paper” of 2009 Annual Conference of Academy of Management(AOM)
2008 “Best Paper” of 2008 Annual Conference of Academy of Management(AOM)
2008 “Best Paper Nomination” of 2nd Annual Conference of International Association of Chinese Management Research(IACMR)
2006-2008 Research Scholarships at School of Labor & Human Resources in Renmin University of China
2006 Study Scholarship for PhD at Renmin University of China
2005 “Best Master Thesis Award” at Renmin University of China
RMBS made the Top-50 list of MBA,
EMBA and EE programs——The Financial Times
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