2022.04 National University of Singapore School of Computing, Ph.D. in Information Systems and Analytics
2016.07 Renmin University of China (RUC) School of Business, Major in Management Science, Minor in Business Administration
Work Experience
2022.09 Renmin University of China (RUC) School of Business, Lecturer(Assistant Professor)
Healthcare IS, Intelligence Augmentation and HCI, AI in Business and Society
Selected Academic Articles
1. Julian Lin; Jiamin Yin; Kwok Kee Wei; Hock Chuan Chan; Hock Hai Teo ; Comparing Competing Systems: An Extension of the Information Systems Continuance Model, Management Information Systems Quarterly, 2022, 46(4): 1851-1874
2. Yin, J., Ngiam, K.Y., Teo, H.H.* 2021. "The Role of Artificial Intelligence Applications in Real-life Clinical Practice: Systematic Review," Journal of Medical Internet Research (23:4), pp. e25759.
3. Liu, N., Yin, J., Tan S.S.L., Ngiam, K.Y., Teo, H.H.* 2021. "Mobile Health Applications for Older Adults: A Systematic Review of Interface and Persuasive Feature Design," Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association (28:11), pp. 2483-2501.
4. Yin, J., Wang, Y., Pang, J.*, and Wang, K. 2020. "Customizing Products for Self Versus Close Others: The Effect of Intended Recipient on Creator Perceptions of Product Uniqueness," Marketing Letters (31:1), pp. 1-15.
Presentations at Academic Meetings
1. Yin, J. (2021) "Toward Intelligence Augmentation: Design Approaches for Effective Deployment of Healthcare Artificial Intelligence," 2021 International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) Doctoral Consortium, Austin, Texas, December 12-15, 2021.
2. Yin, J., Ngiam, K.Y., Teo, H.H. (2020) "Work Design in AI-based Applications: The Role of Advice Provision Timing," in Proceedings of 2020 International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Hyderabad, India, December 13-16, 2020.
3. Liu, N., Yin, J., Wongmaneeroj, M., Teo, H.H. (2020) "The Design of Digital Health Applications for Elderly Users: A Systematic Review and Future Directions," in Proceedings of 2020 Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), Dubai, United Arab Emirates, June 22-24, 2020.
4. Zhou, L., Yin, J., and Wang, K. (2016). "Online Service Co-Customization: How the Partner and the Information Presentation Affects Tourists’ Choice of Online Tour Services," in Proceedings of 2016 Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), Chiayi, Taiwan, June 27 - July 1, 2016.
Honors and Awards
NUS Research Achievement Award (2021)
NUS Dean's Graduate Research Excellence Award (2022)
NUS President’s Graduate Fellowship
RMBS made the Top-50 list of MBA,
EMBA and EE programs——The Financial Times
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