Ph.D. in Finance, Georgia State University, 2013 – 2019
M.S. in Finance, Syracuse University, 2011 – 2012
B.B.A. in Financial Management, Fudan University, 2007 – 2011
Work Experience
September 2021 - present Renmin University of China, School of Business, Beijing Assistant Professor
October 2019 – September 2020 Cornerstone Research, New York Associate
Institutional investors, Household finance, Derivatives markets
Corporate finance, Empirical asset pricing and investments
Selected Academic Articles
1. “Alpha or Beta in the Eye of the Beholder: What Drives Hedge Fund Flows” with Vikas Agarwal and T. Clifton Green, Journal of Financial Economics, 2018, 127(3), 417 ̶ 434.
2. “Corporate Risk Exposures, Disclosure and Derivatives Use: A Longitudinal Study” with Ekaterina E. Emm and Gerald D. Gay, Journal of Futures Markets, 2019, 39(7), 838 ̶ 864.
3. “Political Uncertainty and Household Stock Market Participation” with Vikas Agarwal, Hadiye Aslan, and Lixin Huang Forthcoming, Journal of Financial and Quantitative AnalysisBest Paper Award in Household Finance from the CFP Board Center Academic Research Colloquium
4. “The Rise and Breakup of the Commodity Exchange Membership: An Analysis of CBOT Seat Prices” with Ekaterina E. Emm, Gerald D. Gay, and Han Ma, Journal of Commodity Markets, 2021.
5. “Effects of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Derivatives Markets: Evidence from Global Futures and Options Exchanges” with Ekaterina E. Emm, Gerald D. Gay, and Han Ma, Journal of Futures Markets, 2022,42(5), 823 ̶851.
6. “Political catastrophe and firm strategies: Evidence from the capitol riot” with Anqi Jiao and Han Ma, Finance Research Letters, 2022, Forthcoming
Honors and Awards
2018 GTA Teaching Excellence Award, J. Mack Robinson College of Business
RMBS made the Top-50 list of MBA,
EMBA and EE programs——The Financial Times
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