PhD, National University of Singapore, 2013.
MA, Nanjing University, 2008.
BSc, Nanjing University, 2005.
Working Experiences
Research Scientist, Agency for Science, Technology and Research, Singapore, 2013-2015.
Research Fellow, Institute of Real Estate Studies, National University of Singapore, 2012-2013.
Real Estate, Corporate Finance, China Economy
Advanced Microeconomics (Postgraduate Level) , Financial Management (Undergraduate and MBA Level)
Selected Publication
"Universal Banking Powers and Liquidity Creation" with Allen N. Berger, Omrane Guedhami, Destan Kirimhan, and Xinming Li, Journal of International Business Studies, forthcoming
"Does Good News Cover Bad News?" with Qingbin Meng, Shaojing Ke, and Yongqiang Chu, Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, forthcoming
"Access to Public Capital Markets and Bank Lending” with Yongqiang Chu, Real Estate Economics, forthcoming
"Gender Diversity: From Wall Street to Main Street” with Yongqiang Chu and Xinming Li, Journal of Business Ethics, 2023, 188(1): 151-168.
"Inside Job: Evidence from the Chinese Housing Market” with Yongqiang Chu, Weida Kuang, and Xiaoxia Zhou, Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 2024, 43(1), 214-233.
"Government Guarantees and Bank Liquidity Creation Around the World” with Allen N. Berger, Xinming Li and Herman Saheruddin, Journal of Banking and Finance, 2023, 158, 107048.
"Environmental Regulation and the Leakage of Industrial Emission in China” with Bing Zhang, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 2023, 121, 102869
"Option Compensation, Risky Mortgage Lending, and the Financial Crisis" with Yongqiang Chu, Xinming Li and Tao Ma, Journal of Corporate Finance, 2021, 70, 102052.
"What Motivates Chinese Leadership: Evidence from COVID-19 Reopenings in China" with Raymond J. Fisman, Cong Sun, and Yongxiang Wang, Journal of Public Economics, 2021,196(4), 104389.
"Urban Inclusiveness and Income Inequality in China" with Leiju Qiu, Regional Science and Urban Economics, 2019,74, 57-64.
"Corporate Real Estate Ownership and Productivity Uncertainty" with Tien Foo Sing, Real Estate Economics, 2016, 44(2), 521–547.
"Water Pollution Progress at Borders: The Role of Changes in China’s Political Promotion Incentives" with Matthew E. Kahn, and Pei Li, American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 2015, 7(4), 223-42.
"Foreign Liquidity to Real Estate Market:Ripple Effect and Housing Price Dynamics" with Wen-Chi Liao, Li Ping Lim, and Grace Khei Mie Wong, Urban Studies, 2015, 52(January), 138-158.
"Risk Attitude and Housing Wealth Effect" with Wen-Chi Liao, Tien Foo Sing, Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 2014, 48(3), 467-491.
Key community services
Center for Urban and Real Estate Studies, National Academy of Development and Strategy, Renmin University of China, Deputy Director, from 2018
Regional Studies Association, China Division, Director, from 2020
RMBS made the Top-50 list of MBA,
EMBA and EE programs——The Financial Times
@Business School, Renmin University of China 京ICP备05066828号-1