2020-2023 Australian National University PhD
2016-2019 ShanDong University Master
2012-2016 ShanDong University Bachelor
Academic Positions
2023.10 Renmin Business School Assistant Professor
International business strategies, Business Group
l Ma, P., Cui, L., & Xu, D. (2023). Social Comparison Inside Business Groups and the Effect of Performance Feedback on Strategic Change: Evidence from Group-affiliated Chinese Firms. Journal of Management Studies, online.
l Dong, Y., Ma., P*, Sun, L., & Chng, H. (2023). Goodwill hunting: When ultimate controlling owners respond to institutional pressure to affect corporate social responsibility. (Accepted by Journal of Business Ethic).
l Dong, Y+., Chen, S+., Ma, P.+, Liu, H., & Xu, X. (2023) Effects of peer firms government certification on focal firms investment in innovation.(Accepted by IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management)
l Zheng, L., Ma, P *., & Hong, J. F. L. (2022). Internal embeddedness of business group affiliates and innovation performance: Evidence from China. Technovation , 116, 102494.
l Ma, P., Cui, L., Dong, M., & Liao, Y. C. (2023). Government policy, filial piety, and foreign direct investment. Global Strategy Journal, 13(3), 620-646.
l Yang, K., Ma, P *., & Cui, L. (2021). Subnational corruption and foreign firms’ performance: Evidence from China. Journal of Business Research, 123, 106-116.
l Cui, L., Gao, Q., Guo, J., & Ma, P (names in alphabetical order). (2022). OFDI performance of EMNEs: A review and recommendations for future research. Journal of International Management, 100967.
l Li, D., Liao, Y. C., & Ma, P. (2022). Contingent view on the relationship between proactive environmental strategy and corporate performance: Toward stakeholder engagement. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management (JCR-Q1), 29(5), 1605-1616.
l Li, D., Yang, Z., Ma, P*., & Chen, H. (2021). Cooperation and competition among subsidiaries in a business group: their impacts on innovation. Management Decision , 60(6), 1662-1682.
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