2006-2012 Ph.D. in Marketing, University of Kansas
2004-2006 Master in Physics, University, University of Kansas
1998-2002 Bachelor in Physics, Nankai University, China
Working Experiences
2012- Present Associate Professor of Marketing, Renmin University of China
2012-2016 Lecturer of Marketing, Renmin University of China
Pricing, Services Marketing, Marketing-Finance Interface
Marketing Research, Seminar in Marketing Models, Primary Literature of Marketing Research, Introduction to Marketing
Selected Academic Articles
1. Zhang, Zelin, Kejia Yang, Jonathan Z. Zhang and Robert W. Palmatier, “Uncovering Synergy and Dysergy in Consumer Reviews: A Machine Learning Approach” Management Science (2022): forthcoming
2. Jiawen, Li, Lu Meng, Zelin Zhang and Kejia Yang, "Low-Frequency, High-Impact: Discovering Important Rare Events from UGC" Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services (2022): forthcoming
3. Zhang, Zelin, Ernan Haruvy and Peter T.L. Popkowski Leszczyc,“On the reference price effect of reserve and BIN prices” Journal of Retailing 98.2 (2022): 356-372.
4. Zhang, Zelin, et al. "Partial refunds as a strategic price commitment device in advance selling in a service industry." European Journal of Operational Research 291.3 (2021): 1062-1074.
5. Han, Jidong, Peter TL Popkowski Leszczyc, and Zelin Zhang*. "Empirical Analyses of Nonlinear Effects of Reserve Prices on Ending Prices in Online Auctions." Journal of Interactive Marketing 54(2021): 86-102.
6. Zhang, Zelin, et al. "The influence of coupon duration on consumers’ redemption behavior and brand profitability." European Journal of Operational Research 281.1 (2020): 114-128.
7. Zhang, Zelin, et al. "A joint optimal model of pricing, rebate value, and redemption hassle." Decision Sciences 50.5 (2019): 1060-1092.
8. Dong, X., Zou, S., Sun, G., & Zelin Zhang . "Conditional effects of justice on instability in international joint ventures." Journal of Business Research 101 (2019): 171-182.
9. Zhang, Zelin, Jianghua Wu, and Feiqiong Wei. "Refurbishment or quality recovery: joint quality and pricing decisions for new product development." International Journal of Production Research (2018): 1-17.
10. Zhang, Zelin, et al. "Optimal depth and timing of price promotions in a vertically differentiated product line." Journal of Business Research 83 (2018): 215-228.
11. Zhang, Zelin, Kissan Joseph, and Ramanathan Subramaniam. "Probabilistic selling in quality-differentiated markets." Management Science 61.8 (2014): 1959-1977.
12. Zhang, Zelin, et al. "The Dynamics of Online Purchase Visits: Inertia or Switching?" Frontiers of Business Research in China 10.1 (2016): 1
13. Dong,Xiao Dan, Zelin Zhang*, Hinsch C A, et al. "Reconceptualizing the elements of market orientation: A process-based view. " Industrial Marketing Management , 2016, 56: 130-142
14. Qu, Riliang, and Zelin Zhang. "Market orientation and business performance in MNC foreign subsidiaries—Moderating effects of integration and responsiveness." Journal of Business Research 68.5 (2015): 919-924 .
15. Joseph, Kissan, Jide Wintoki and Zelin Zhang, Forecasting Abnormal Stock Returns and Trading Volume Using Investor Sentiment: Evidence from Online Search. International Journal of Forecasting , 27.4 (2011), 1116-1127
16. Zhang, Zelin, Feiqiong Wei, Jidong Han & Weini Chen. Impact of Air Quality to Consumers' Online Website Search Behaviors. Journal of Management Science, 31.5 (2018): 16-29
17. Zhang, Yihao, Yuan Li, Zhongfeng Su & Zelin Zhang. Can Internet Search Predict the Stock Market?. Journal of Financial Research, 2 (2014), 193-206.
18. Wu, Jianghua, & Zelin Zhang. Opaque Selling Strategy with Randomized Pricing. Operations Research and Management Science. 25.5 (2016): 241-248.
19. Chai, Junwu, Guangzhi Zhao & Zelin Zhang. Impact of Self Concept on the Effectiveness of Different Nostalgia Appeals. Acta Psychologica Sinica, 43(3), 14
Research Grants
“How the Usage of Store Credit Influences Consumer's Purchase Behaviors and Online Retailer’s Corresponding Marketing Decisions — Evidences from”, The National Natural Science Foundation of China
“Refunds in Advance Selling of Services As A Price-Discrimination Mechanism and The Impact of The Price Commitment”, The National Natural Science Foundation of China
“The Dynamics of Sales Promotion: Theory and Practice”, The National Natural Science Foundation of China
Selected Presentations at Academic Meetings
1. “Design and Pricing of Probabilistic Quality,” 19th Annual Mittelstaedt Marketing Doctoral Symposium, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2010 & 32nd INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, University of Cologne, 2010
2. “On the Design of Consumption Hassle”, 34nd INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, Boston University, 2012
3. “Service Refund as a Price Discrimination Mechanism”, 34nd INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, Boston University, 2012
4. “A Multi-period Model for Scheduling Multi-tier Private Label Sales Promotions”, 35th INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, Özyeğin University, 2013
5. “The Use of Refunds and Spot Price Pre-Commitment in Advance Selling”, IESEG BRICS workshop, Paris, France, 2014
6. “Internal Process and Moderated Mediation in Market Orientation (MO): A Conditional Process Modeling Approach” 36th INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, Emory University, 2014
7. “On The Reference Price Effect of Reserve and Buy-it-now Prices” 39th INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, University of Southern California, 2017
8. “Probabilistic Selling in Quality-differentiated Complementary Goods Markets” 39th INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, University of Southern California, 2017
9. “The Role Of Information Entropy And Product Lifecycle In Word Of Mouth Effect” Summer AMA conference,San Francisco,2017 4.
10. “Better for You or Worse for Me: The Use of Refunds as a Strategic Spot Price Commitment Device in Advance Selling” The Sixth China Marketing International Conference, July 2018. (Best Paper Award)
Key community services
Council Member of China Marketing Association of University
Board Member of Journal of Marketing Science of China (JMS)
Honors and Awards
2007-2008 Elected Vice President, Association of Business Doctoral Students
University of Kansas
2007 KU School of Business positive code of conduct award (R.E.S.P.E.C.T)
RMBS made the Top-50 list of MBA,
EMBA and EE programs——The Financial Times
@Business School, Renmin University of China 京ICP备05066828号-1