
RBS Is Officially Accredited by AACSB


The School of Business, Renmin University of China, has been accredited officially by AACSB International on March 27, 2013. This not only affirms the great strides that the School of Business has made in internationalization, but also certifies the School’s high quality of management education and long-term development prospects.


AACSB Peer Review Team Visited RBS on January 7, 2013


AACSB (The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business) is a global, nonprofit organization of educational institutions, businesses, and other entities devoted to the advancement of management education. It was established in 1916 by 16 elite business schools in the USA as its founding members. AACSB and the Europe-based EQUIS are the two most highly regarded international accreditation bodies for business schools in the world. As soon as RBS was officially accredited by EQUIS toward the end of 2010, it immediately launched AACSB accreditation. Boosted by the university leadership and joint effort by faculty, staff, students and alumni, the accreditation progressed smoothly and passed each stage in a single attempt, which led to the ultimate success in two years. As a result, RBS has become one of the few top-tier business schools in China with both accreditations.

RUC president Chen Yulu paid close attention to the accreditation effort, by leading the university’s accreditation committee, being briefed about the progress and providing guidance. He also took the time to meet with the chair of the peer review team, Professor Jan Williams. President Chen spoke highly of the remarkable accomplishments the School of Business attained during the accreditation process. With the ongoing exploration of new educational approaches for higher quality among China’s universities, faculty and staff of the School of Business deser


RMBS made the Top-50 list of MBA,
EMBA and EE programs——The Financial Times

Renmin University of China

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