2012 Annual Meeting of RBS International Advisory Committee


On Apr.21-22, 2012, the third annual meeting of RBS International Advisory Committee was held at AMAN Summer Palace in Beijing.

The meeting was chaired by Prof. Baocheng JI, Former President of Renmin University of China and Vice Chairman of RBS International Advisory Committee. Committee members present at the meeting included Mr. Rang CAI, Chairman of China SinoSteel Group, Ms. Quan HAO, Partner of KPMG (China), Mr. Wen LING, CEO & Executive Director of China Shenhua Energy Co., Ltd., Mr. Yongli WANG, Vice President of Bank of China, Yusuo WANG, Chairman of the Board of the ENN Group Co., Ltd., Mr. Jianxi WANG, Executive Vice President of China Investment Corporation, Mr. Jing WANG, President for Global Business Operations of QualComm Inc., Mr. Arnoud De Meyer, President of Singapore Management University, Mr. Congcai XU, President of Nanjing University of Finance and Economics, Mr. Chunjun ZHAO, Deputy Director of National MBA Teaching Steering Committee, and Mr. Santiago Iniguez de Ozono, Dean of IE Business School and President of IE University.

  Prof. Yulu CHEN, President of Renmin University of China, attended the meeting and made concluding remarks.

  RBS top management team briefed on future school development and key priorities in 2012, RBS brand strategy planning, RBS MBA education reform, and RBS undergraduate, master and PhD program reform. The committee members discussed in depth the school’s development planning and key priorities against the backdrop of globalization, China’s economic development and global business education reform, and made valuable suggestions and comments.

  It was agreed among the committee members that RBS has accelerated its development leveraging international accreditations with outstanding achievement in development philosophy, internationalization, faculty team building, innovation in talent training models, and administration among other areas. The members also commented that in order to grow into a world-class business school, while defining the philosophy and strategies of development, RBS should differentiate itself building on its unique advantages, enhance brand influence, improve hardware facilities, deepen the research on Chinese management issues, accelerate internationalization, and strengthen partnership and exchanges with leading business schools around the globe.

At last, President Yulu CHEN made concluding remarks. He expressed sincere thanks to the committee members on behalf of Renmin University of China for their deep insights into and valuable advice on the development of RBS and the university. He moved on to say that Renmin University of China has made great achievements over the past ten years under the leadership of former president Baocheng JI, laying solid foundation for future development. The “ten-year soaring plan” set during this period has mapped out the vision to grow into a world-class university. President CHEN also introduced the overall development planning of Renmin University of China, and stressed that the university will, as always, support the development of the School of Business, and speed up the planning and construction of its new campus to improve hardware facilities.


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